Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our 2nd holiday – time off to prepare

Oh dear it is raining again. You guessed it not much progress. The 2nd week off this year for Mr I want to build a Straw Bale house and I got addicted to the series "the Wire" of course the list is not done yet.

When in doubt collect wood. Mr I want to build a Straw Bale house and his daughter Claire seemed to be gone for ages. The txt message read, " The ute is bogged Help". There is so much to do on the property it is hard to decide what to do first, so why not go into boggy territory and chop wood, to keep warm for the next few weeks, while we rent our own house. Mr I want to build a Straw Bale house, tried to get the ute out by himself and by the time I arrived the tyres were well hidden by the moist ground and the tyres were smoking from spinning so much. Mmmmmm is this a good sign?, I don't think so, the tyres dug their own trench. Maybe we should try getting the ute bogged where the trenches are going to be dug and then it could save $$$$. The ute was full of wood we peeled off the bark and put some small bits of wood under the back tyres. This worked for about 5 metres until we hit the more soft ground. Mr I want to build a Straw Bale house jacked the back of the ute for the 4th time so we could put logs under the tyres – The ute was driven by Mr I want to build a Straw Bale house's daughter Claire (14 years of age), who mind you has only driven the ute the past 8 times it has been bogged. She hates it. We got it out another 10 meters. Mr I want to build a Straw Bale house then took over the wheel to sway side to side a further 80meters to the crushed rock drive way.

Why don't we have a four wheel drive I hear you ask. – Well we did for about 8 years. This has also been bogged a few times but the gears went and it was stuck in 4wd for a year and then one day it would not start. Mr I want to build a Straw Bale house attempted several times to fix it, once again avoiding the huge list to prepare the property. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm not knowing what was wrong with the old blue rust machine we towed it out the front of our now rental property and within 2 days it was sold.

It seems as though Mr I want to build a Straw Bale house is unable to either abide by a list nor accept any job on the list. There is post it notes all over the house. I guess packing the paintings off the walls was the priority – They do get in the way – NOT.

I do consider myself as somewhat patient; however I do lose it on regular occasions. Mr I want to build a Straw Bale house leaves the 'planning' to the lap of the gods, (even though he does not believe).

The rain sodden ground has dampened the progress of moving into the temporary accommodation of a caravan, cabin and shed set up kitchen – I don't mind for the thought of getting up in the middle of the night to crawl over Mr I want to build a Straw Bale house, (our bed in the caravan will be against a wall so will only have access to one side) step down the temporary stairs to an uneven bricked paved area to the cabin, has given me strength to rent our own home.

As anyone who has moved home would know, the house is full of empty boxes and the spider webs are getting thicker. Why clean when you have to do it when you move. I think I have used that excuse for the past 4 years now but it is a downer. Red wine seems to work.

Holidays does not equate to achievement or relaxing. Raining days means more TV. I guess a list of things to do is like studying you can always see something else that needs to be done.