Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Moving onto the block - Temporary Accomodation

The day had finally come when plumbing and electricity was all connected and there were no more excuses to stall and remain in the warm comfortable house that we had sold not 8 months ago.
Mr I want to build a straw bale house’s cousin was adamant he was going to move us and would bring someone to assist with the heavier things. The day arrived and we still had mild and all the food in the fridge, empty boxes and the study full of things we had not got around to sort. I guess we are like everyone else who has to move out of a house they have inhabited for over 12 years.
Well the move went as expected, empty boxes were carried to and from the truck and of course placed in the middle of the rooms so double handling was a must.
The first night in the shed as a kitchen, bungalow as the bathroom / lounge and the caravan as the bedroom, was cold and there were different noises to endure.
Getting up and going to work the next day was interesting, given you have to step outside onto the cold bricks in the rain to walk to the bungalow to shower. Then return to get dressed. As you could imagine there is limited space in a caravan even though it is 24ft in length. Where do you put clothes and how do you make decisions on what to wear when you are shivering because the wet towel is no comfort.
Arriving home from work is not really inspiring when there is power cords all over the place. We had blown up the metre box. Well not that drastic but no power to the kitchen therefore to cook or do anything with electricity we had to unplug the fridge. We did this for a week waiting for a new switch for the metre. It is amazing how much you rely on power to run things like the phone, computers, cooking appliances and entertainment such as CD or radio. It was a tad like camping and early to bed for now it is dark by 8pm.
One of my stories is that Mr I want to build a straw bale house packed the pantry. Well that is overstating the task. In less than 10mins it seemed like everything had been thrown into this small cupboard and to get to anything to eat taking items out or letting them fall out was the trick. It took me a week to get up the strength to take it all out to label and pack it to a reasonable state.
It is now 2 weeks of bliss in the temporary accommodation. Electricity is restored, we drive to the clothes line, the dogs are not yet in a run, TV has not been connected, we replaced the dishwasher, (with an ebay special of $15) and its getting colder at nights. Do we plug the heaters in an risk further issues with the power board?
Bring on camping – We are now official Trailer trash.